
   One aspect of these revolts, which has often presented itself to our minds, has been impressed upon us with renewed force by the circumstances of the Harper's Ferry stampede. It is the policy by which they must ever be accompanied. No matter how slight the spark, the apparent combustion is terrific. Old Brown, with his score of followers, has set the entire commonwealth in commotion, and arrested the gaze of the world. The same number of men, with the same [illegible], anywhere else, might have been suppressed by the ordinary police of a village. --...

[Editor's Note: The majority of this article has been omitted for our transcription except for the portions directly mentioning the term "slave stampedes" or some variant.]


Burlington (VT) Weekly Free Press, November 4, 1859, p. 2.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term