
Great Stampede of Fugitive Slaves for Canada.––CHICAGO, April 8.––One hundred and six fugitive slaves, who have heretofore taken up their abode here, left this city last night for Canada, via the Michigan Southern Railroad. Over one thousand fugitives have arrived there since last fall, most of whom have left since the recent arrest of five fugitives by the United States Marshal.

DETROIT, April –– About three hundred fugitive slaves, principally by way of Illinois, have passed into Canada at this point since Saturday, and large numbers are reported to be on the way. Many of them are entirely destitute, and much suffering is anticipated, notwithstanding the efforts for their relief.

Slave Rendered Up.––The Plainville (O.) Advertiser reports that a slaveholder from Nashville, Tennessee, who had been stopping in that place for some time, made known the object of his visit one day last week, by instituting proceedings for the rendition of a negro woman, whom he claimed as a fugitive slave. The necessary papers were made out, and the parties left on the cars, without meeting with any resistance, or even awakening any display of excitement.


"Great Stampede of Fugitive Slaves for Canada," Fayetteville (NC) Observer, April 15, 1861, p. 2. 

Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
North Carolina
Contains Stampede Term