
        Local Intelligence.



        MONTGOMERY, ALA., Jan. 5, 1865.

   At a late hour night before last our vigilant City Marshal and his Deputy were patrolling the city, when they struck upon a crowd of colored gentlemen who had taken possession of a grog shop upon the plank road, and under the influence of a good share of mean whiskey, were making the requisite arrangements for the future adjustment of our present national troubles. The excitement had become general, when some darkey, more wide awake than his fellows, perceived the approach of the enemy, and a general stampede was the result. Some ran one way and some another, but during the attack five lusty descendants of Ham were taken into captivity, who gave their names as follows: Pero, slave of Mr. Ousby; Sandy, slave of Mr. Ashley; Joel, slave of Mr. Price; Prince, slave of Mr. Holmes, and Dick, slave of Mr. Caffey. His Honor found the whole party guilty of participating in an unlawful assemblage, and ordered them to receive thirty-nine lashes each, making an aggregate of two hundred and seventy-three lashes, a decision which seemed anything but satisfactory to the parties most interested in the subject.  

   Private J.C. Bean had been arrested by officers Ray and Mehan for steeping his senses in forgetfulness, and kicking up an infernal row afterwards, greatly to the detriment of the city's peace. In order to remind him that such conduct was by no means endorsed by the Articles of War, His Honor imposed a fine of ten dollars and costs, advising him to act better in the future. 

   Private Thomas Bunting, another Confederate soldier, was arrested for a violent assault upon Allen A. Fuller, Esq., and for beating his servant also with a club, over the head. The case was of so much importance that J.V. Howard, Esq., J.P., was called to the bench with His Honor the Mayor, to adjudicate the case, which was somewhat lengthy, embracing as it did the testimony of so many spectators of the assault. We could not help regretting that the Commander of the Post does not exercise legitimate authority in the case of such quarrelsome, profane, drunken and abusive soldiers of this description, who are daily brought up by the police and complained of as pests of society. They should be sent to the front, and forced to remain there; for as long as they are permitted to remain in this city, they are perfectly useless to the service. After hearing all the testimony the Court fined Private Bunting the sum of fifty dollars and costs. This being about equal to five months' pay, should teach him to act more like a soldier and a gentleman in future. 


"Local Intelligence - Municipal Court,"  Montgomery (AL) Daily Mail, January 6, 1865, p. 2.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term