
Maryland Slaves. 

   A meeting of the slaveholders of Queen Anne's county was held at Centreville a few days since, for the purpose of organizing a society to protect slave property, on account of the numerous depredations that have been made by the abolitionists recently in that vicinity. Officers were elected and a constitution adopted, and measures taken for immediately commencing operations. 

   The number of slaves weekly lost from the border counties of this state is estimated to be equal to $10,000 in value, and the most efficient organization will be necessary to prevent is increase. That they receive money, arms, and directions from the abolitionists, there is no manner of doubt--and after they cross the line, places of concealment are provided for them, with all the "aid and comfort" necessary to enable them to elude pursuit. 

   The recent stampede of sixteen slaves belonging to Colonel Pearce, from Baltimore county, and their arrest near Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania, proved this beyond a doubt. A reward of two thousand dollars discovered their hiding place, in one of the out-houses of a farmer in the vicinity. They were carried home without a legal process. Wash. Union.


"Maryland Slaves,"  Montpelier (VT) Green Mountain Freeman, July 4, 1850, p. 3.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term