
   John Brown's Death - Its Effect on American Politics

…Just then took place the “invasion” of Virginia, and the development of the scheme of a slave stampede to Canada. This the pro-slavery party looked upon as a “Godsend,” for they re profane enough to think that God keeps slaves and can love slaveholders––and they thought that He had sent this in their behalf to rouse up all the sympathies of the American heart, by a powerful revelation, in favor of the South…..

[Editors Note: The majority of this article has been omitted from our transcription except for the portions directly mentioning the term "slave stampedes" or some variant.]


"John Brown's Death - Its Effect on American Politics," Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) Citizen, December 23, 1859, p. 2

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Contains Stampede Term