
     Arming the Negroes—"whither are we Tending?"

   The delegation from Fall Creek, on their way to attend the meeting yesterday, overhauled some fifteen or twenty negroes in a body. A conversation ensued, in which the charcoal delegation disclosed the fact that they were armed to the teeth with revolvers, &c. They made one or two "overt acts" in demonstration of hostility to the Fall Creek Delegation and Democracy generally, whereupon they were speedily disarmed by the "unterrified of Fall Creek. Our abolition neighbor will not probably, think it a very "big thing," but if revolvers and mob law are the elements by which they propose to rule the country, they will soon find that the game is very like euchre––"never out until it is played out," and they can rest assured that their game won't win. Mob law and nigger revolution are not countenanced by loyal and upright citizens, and will be frowned down by all lovers of national, municipal and social peace. Snyder may well ask "whither are we tending," when such secret machinations as this are betrayed by the ignorance and imbecility of the tools of the abolition–"republican" party. We shall see what we shall see. 


"Arming the Negroes—‘whither are we Tending?,'” Quincy (IL) Herald, March 24, 1863

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