
   Stampede of Negroes.––Seven negro men made their escape from Messrs. Jones & Slater's jail, in Locust alley, on Saturday night last, and are now, in all probability, endeavoring to effect their escape to the North. Five of these negroes had on handcuffs, and three of them were brought here from Bath county and sold, for having attempted to make their escape to a free State. Among the party is a fellow called Lee, who is so nearly white that he may attempt to pass himself off as the owner of the other six refugees. They effected their escape by breaking the lock to the door of the room in which they were confined. Their owners will give a liberal reward for their detection. 


"Stampede of Negroes," Richmond (VA) Dispatch, October 29, 1855, p. 1

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term