
   MORE NEGROES RUNNING OFF.––There appears to be a regular and constant stampede going on among the slave population in the city and county, not a night scarcely passing without one or more running away. On Saturday night a slave woman, the property of R.J. Ward, Esq., ran off. Mr. S. Chenoweth, of the county, lost one of his slaves at the same time, and Mrs. Lovering lost a woman servant and her two children, none of whom have since been heard of. In addition, we learn that a gentleman residing a short distance from the city, had two of his slaves to run away on Friday night. 

   Here is a list of seven slaves that have disappeared from their owner since Friday night, and it is high time something was done to check the evil in our midst.––Louisville Courier, Sept. 25. 


"More Negroes Running Off,"  Richmond (IN) Weekly Palladium, October 4, 1855, p. 2

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term