
   THE FUGITIVE SLAVES.––The company of fifteen or twenty slaves that escaped our city a week or two ago have thus far eluded all pursuit. From one of the officers who has been in pursuit of them, we learn that the party were traced from this city across the river to Illinoistown, and that there they were shipped on board a Keokuk boat in boxes marked as goods. Arriving at Keokuk they proceeded across the country to Wisconsin and are now very probably safe in Canada. 

   This shows that they have been most skillfully conducted. Doubtless the plan had been under deliberation for a long time, the negroes acting by the advice and control of the numerous underground railroad agents that infest our city. 


"The Fugitive Slaves," St. Louis (MO) Democrat, November 1, 1854

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
St. Louis
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term