From the Washington Aurora.
A stampede.-- The people of this district being excluded from all participation in the common property of the U. States, by a recent Act of Congress, have wisely determined to compell all free colord persons to emigrate to their brethren of the North. We understand 700 have lately left here for New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, and about 800 more are making preparations to remove, as soon as the ensuing Legislature adjourns, unless they succeed in their petition to that body to be recognized as State property, receiving support and protection in consideration of their services on the public works.
We would advise every district in North Carolina to adopt similar measures, as the Guinea population, deprived of all outlet by this Act, will very soon supplant the whites, unless they are sent off--thereby ridding ourselves of one great nuisance in the way of free negroes. Let us try and oblige the northern fanatics. If they want negroes let us send them these, the most worthless race upon earth. Then if they desire more we will endeavor to accommodate them from time to time, as fools and dotards shall see cause to emancipate their slaves.
"A Stampede," Tarboro (NC) Enquirer Southerner, October 26, 1850.