Beginning Date
Monday, August 1, 1842
Starting Point
Freedom Seekers Mentioned By Name
UGRR Operatives Mentioned By Name
Berryman Barnett // Richard Eels
Mid Points
End Point

An enslaved man named Charlie escaped from Monticello, Missouri in August 1842, swimming to Quincy and finding refuge with a free African American, Berryman Barnett. While being escorted by Dr. Richard Eels.  Charlie was recaptured, and Eels was later convicted in April 1843 and fined $400, though the case also prompted a lengthy legal dispute between Missouri and Illinois state authorities that ultimately wound its way to the Supreme Court.  

Escape Attributes
Single Slaveholder
Waterways Escape
UGRR Involvement
Court Hearing
Escape Numbers
Notes on Sources

Dexter, Bondage in Egypt, 268-271