

            TO THE

Daily Whig & Courier


                                                                                                            Washington, 20th

            HOUSE. Mr. Morris of Ill., resumed his remarks, and said: “The great doctrine of popular sovereignty is it peril. The Democratic party are divided and the ultra Republicans from slave holding States have abandoned it. It was not disputed that the Cincinnati platform recognizes it, but this, it seems, makes no difference. The president and ultra democrats have torn up the planks and interpolated new one, and drove the political car fearful to the precipice. This was inaugurated last session with the famous Lecompton swindle. The President pursued those who opposed it, especially from Illinois, with personal malignity, while he was bidding for the nomination at Charleston Convention.

            Judge Douglas is the only man in the North who has succeeded in a general election since the crusade was commenced, and he tought hand to hand with the cohorts of Lincoln and the hungry President’s pack, cheered on by Attorney Gen. Black. Good democrats put in their places. Democrats who refused to bow to the dictation of the Presidents were pursued with hellish malignity. He said Cook, the Postmaster at Chicago, was the President’s manager to get up delegates to Charleston. This address he issued was prepared at Washington, for Cook, who can scarcely read and cannot spell a sentence in the English language correctly, but who understood better the mixing and drinking of mint jelups.

            Mr. English Nominated Mr. Scott of California as a candidate for speaker, who ought to be satisfactory to every national man.

            A vote was taken with the following result: Whole number of votes 201, necessary to a choice 106, Sherman 102, Scott 82, Gilmer 14, Scattering 11. Adjourned.

                                                                                                            WASHINGTON, 29th.

            Chie Justice Taney and Associate Daniel are still detained from the Supreme Country by sickness. The Court of Claims in obliged to adjourn until next week owing to sickness of Judges Blackford and Scarbo.

            Mr. Branch will, if he has not already privately, demand of Mr. Grow in the usual manner, an explanation for the language applies to him to-day in the House.  

                                                                                                            ROCHESTER, 29TH.

            A large union meeting was held in this city last evening, which was addressed by James Brooks and Ex Gov. Hunts. The resolutions were of rather a fixed character, but the principal one is the following:

            Resolved, That we cannot too strongly rebuke the sentiment that the election of a President by a constitutional majority, having views of public policy with which the minority do not coincide, would furnish a just cause for the dissolution of the Union; we, on the contrary, hold such sentiments to be deserving our censure, as traitorous and odious  to all patriotic and Union loving men, and disgraceful to the civilization of the age, and we hereby give to our fellow citizens, East, West, North and South, our most solemn pledge that whoever may be elected President of the United States, in a constitutional way, shall receive from, us in the law discharge of his duties , the same willing obedience and energetic support which we have given to each and all of his predecessors, and we here— by declare our firm and un alterable purpose to sustain and protect him in the lawful discharge of those duties from ail enemies, within or without, at home or abroad.

            There was an effort to lay this motion on the table but it passed by a large majority and then the meeting adjourned.

                                                                                                            NEW YORK, 29TH.

            Senator Seward was waited upon this evening by a large crowd of personal and political friends, from whom he received an enthusiastic welcome home.
            Judge Peabody tendered congratulations in behalf of the Republican Central Committee, to which the senator responded in feeling terms. At a late hour Mr. Seward proceeded to the City Hall to receive the greeting of the city council and other city officials. A dense crowd thronged the hall, and when the distinguished visitors appeared he was greeted with a tempest of applause. On reching the Alderman’s room he was welcomed by May Tiemann in a neat speech, to which he made an appropriate reply. After receiving the individual congratulations of the crowd the distinguished visitors returned to his lodgings. He left this evening for Auburn.

                                                                                                            INDEPENDENCE, 29TH.

            The new Mexican mail, with dates of the 5th arrived here today. The Navajo Indians are again hostile, having killed one man and wounded others, who went to trade with them.

            The outgoing mail which left here four weeks ago, was attacked by indians beyond the Arkansas river. An escort was with the mail, and the indians were repulsed. None of the mail party were hurt.

            The mail party experienced very cold weather, and their mules were kept from freezing with difficulty.

                                                                                                            NEW ORLEANS, 29TH.

            Steamship Arizona is below. She brings $150,00 in specie, and Brownsville dates of 20th.

            Cortinas had met with a defeat and had retreated.

            No further particulars.

                                                                                                                        CHICAGO, 29TH.

            The Grand Jury of U. States District Court last evening found an indictment under the fugitive slave law, against eight citizens of OTTA, Ill., for rescue of an alleged slave in the city in October last.

                                                                                                            PHILADEPHIA, 29TH.                      

            Philadelphia Committee of Bondholders and Board of Directors of Fort Wayne and Chicago R.R., after a very harmonious session have agreed upon W.B. Ogden as Receiver of the road. J.P. Egerton, the Receiver appointed by the Ohio Courts, has resigned.                        

                                                                                                            ST. JOHN, N.B., 29th.

            Last night the large Temperance Hall in Carlton, this city, was destroy by fir.

                                                                                                            NEW YORK, 29.

            A SMALL FIRE OCCURRED IN Vesey-st., this evening, at which it is reported three lives were lost.

                                                                                                SAKVILLE, N.B., 29TH— 8 P. M.

            No appearance of the Canada at Halifax up to this hour.

                                                New York Markets.

                                                                                                NEW YORK, Dec. 29.

            Flour— receipts 2, 227 barrels, sales 8,300 barrels— State and Western very firm— superfine Stae $5,20 a 5,25; extra State 5,40 a 5,45; round hoop Ohio 5,65 a 5,75; common to good extra Western 5,30 a 5,50. Southern unchanged – sales 1100— Mixed to good 5,40 a 5,75; fancy and extra 5,80 a 7,25. Canada firm— sales 450 barrels extra 5,50 a 6,75.

            Wheat very quiet and firm— 2,000 bushels— Milwaukie club 1,31; white Ky. 1,50; western white 1,50.

            Corn firmer and active— sales 20, 000 bushels – new southern 85 a 89 for white and yellow; old yellow and white 85 a 89.

            Oats more active – Southern and Jersey 40  a 44; Northern and Western 454 a 454

            Beef quiet and unmanaged— sales 200—country mess 5,00 a 6,50; prime 4,00 a 4,50; repacked Chicago 5,00 a 9,50; prime mess 17,00 a 19,00.

            Pork dull—sales 300 brls— mess 16,06 a 16,12; prime 11,02 a ll,75.

            Sugar firm— sales 380 hhd New Orleans 8 a 8; Muscovado 7 a 7; Havana 8 a 8 for 400 boxes.

            Coffee quiet—sales 800 bags Rio 11 a 12: Maracaibo 121.

            Molasses firm— sales 400 bbls New Orleans at 52 a 55.

            GREEN HANDS.— The Piolt who tooks the steamer Mohican from Portsmouth, N.H., to New York reports that the steamer put in at Provincetown on account of sea sickness among the officers and engineers!

            THE WRONG MAN NOMINATED. It occasions uneasiness to those interested in the New York Union meeting, that at the meeting outside of the Academy the audience should have nominated Scoot and Houston for 1860. The New York Journal of Commerce has very carefully explained that this meant nothing, that it was a joke, or the work of a very few person; but unfortunately it seems to be taken in earnest in some of the southern papers.

            The Atchison (Kansas) Champion says of the recent election, enough counties have been heard from the insure the election of the whole Republican State ticket by from 2500 to 3—majority. The Legislature will be almost wholly Republican.

            The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune says it of pretty well ascertained there that the Democratic majority of the Senate will resist the admission of Kansas this session, to debar the Republicans of the advantage of its Presidential vote. Northern Democrats in the House may pretend to favour it, while conspiring for its defeat.

            Wendell Phillips denies unequivocally that he had any knowledge of Brown’s intended invasion of Virginia. He also states that he was but little acquainted with Brown personally, and had met him but a few times, and on these occasions, whenever the subject of stampeding the slaves had been broached, he had discountenance and discouraged it, and had not aided Brown with either money or advice.

            Citizens of Philadelphia have asked the President to send some of the large ships of the navy to the yard in that city for repairs, in order that the workmen may not be discharged.

            We think the Secretary had better send all the jobs he has on hand to Norfolk. In that case Virginia may be prevailed upon to stay in the Union.

            Mr. Everett has contributed to the Mount Vernon Association, through his personal efforts nearly $70,000. The Association has paid to Mr. Washington $199,9924— due Mr. W., $6601. The  Regent states that it is necessary yet to raise the sum of $120,00 in order to provide a permanent fund, the interest of which will be expended in keeping the estate in repair, and in providing a force sufficient to protect and preserve the house and grounds in security, enforce order, &e. – Boston Post.

            MURDER IN EAST BOTON. On Tuesday afternoon James Daly of Eat Boston beat James Carroll so severely that he dies in about four hours. Daly was arrested and committed to jail. He urged as a reason for the deed that Carroll had take improper liberties with his wife.

            Among the articles announce for sale in all auction, we perceive an article entitled “mahogany child’s chair.” The father must have been of the Wood family.



Crane & Co.’s Express.




            FOR BOSTON,

Via Frankfort, Searposrt, Belfast Camden, Rockland, Bath and Portland, overy


            Special Messenger to Boston, by Railroad, every WEDNESDAY Morning, returning FRIDAY Evening.                                            CRANE & CO.

            Bangor, Dec. 24, 1859


     Express Company

                                    WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 1859-60.


                                                   Portland and Boston,

                                               BY RAILRAOD, DAILY;

                                                            AND VIA

                                    Belfast, ROCKLAND AND BATH,

Monday and Thursday mornings.



          Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings,

                     Returning alternate days.

                                                F.H. HODGEMAN.

Bangor, Dec.22, 1859

Four Year’s Experience with Hair Restoratives.

            The following letter from a gentleman long and favourable known in Boston and vicinity, who has most favourable opportunities of knowing of what he writes, will, we are sure, satisfy the most credulous:

                                                                                                WALTHAM, MASS Jan. 20, 1859

            Messrs W.E. Hagan & Co.— Gents: I have been selling HEIMSTREETS “Inimitable  HAIR  RESTORATIVE” for three or four year, with good satisfaction and success. I have tried various other articles in the market, (Page’s, Packards’s, Avery’s, Wood’s, &c.) but yours has the decided preference among them all. I have never hesitated to recommended it for all it claims to do. Several ladies of our town who had been wearing false hair for several years have laid it aside and now have a full and luxuriant head of hair of original shade and color, produced by using two or three bottles of your article; and when by some means they have been induced to try something else, palmed upon them as being superior, they have almost invariably returned to this use of your Hair coloring again, as the only meritorious and reliable article in use – finding it as a toilette article as cheap as any of the HAIR oils or Washes with which the market is flooded. I am yours, very truly,

                                                                                    S.B. EMMONS.

Remember, that these unprecedented results were produced by HEIMSTREETS Inimitable, the original and only reliable article in use.

            Sold everywhere— price 50 cts a bottle/

            W.E. HAGAN & CO., Proprictors, Troy, N.Y. B.F. Bradbury, Agent for Bangor.

                        d17  Stawim

                                                            F. Whittier,

                                                MANUFACTURER OF

Gents and Ladies Boots and Shoes – all kinds

            N.B. – Rubber Soles applied and Rubbers Repaired in the best manner, at the sign of the Big Boot, East End Kenduskeng Bridge.



            This is the VERY BEST TRUSS ever sold in this marketing as the thousands of customers we have will testify. Sold only by             B.P. BRADBURY,     S&WLY No. S Corner Smiths, Block.

            Dr. E.S. LAUGHTON, Surgical & Mechanical Dentist,

            Office—No. 4 Main Street.

            All business pertaining to his profession shall be done as well as at any office in the city.

            Dec 15 (illegible) wtf


"The Disturbances in Madison County, Ky.," Bangor (ME) Daily Whig and Courier, April 12, 1860, p. 2.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term