
   ANOTHER STAMPEDE.   Another party of negroes, some fifteen in number, disappeared from Norfolk on Sunday morning last, and as soon as the fact became known, efforts were made to charter a steamer to go in pursuit of the Northern vessel which was supposed to have taken them on board. No steamer could be obtained, however; so, as soon as possible, some half dozen citizens, well armed and equipped, proceeded to Hampton, where the pilot-boat Reindeer, celebrated for speed, was chartered for the pursuit. The Argus says:––

   A very determined and persevering effort will be made to overtake and bring back the slaves, and those who have carried them off. The chase and search will be vigorously kept up for two or three weeks, if necessary, along the coast as far North at least as New Bedford. A suitable number of muskets, revolves, &c., as well as a good supply of provisions, were taken by the pursuing party. If the coaster, with the slaves on board, should be found, and resistance should be made, there will be some hot work. 

   Last week, two other slaves escaped, one of whom belonged to Mr. Seth March, who has gone to the North, determined, if possible, to secure him and bring him back. 


"Another Stampede," Boston (MA) Liberator, June 29, 1855, p. 3.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term