
              THE COLORED STAMPEDE. The stampede among the dark skins of Chicago, which commenced immediately after the rendition of the Harris family of slaves, still continues. The blessing that this exodus of vices and depravity will confer upon the moral, physical and political healthy of Chicago are incalculable. It will rid us of the debris of the colored population, leaving a better name and a better opportunity for those of that color who remain, whose industry and economy have already commended them to the favorable consideration of our citizens. Our criminal courts will experience a very great abridgment of their dockets, and Abolition pettiofoggers will have fewer occasions to exhibit their voluntary sympathy, and less opportunities to blow themselves into notoriety which they can attain in no other way. We can get along with a much smaller police force than former, and clothes lines, ben roosts, wood yards and hundred of similar scenes of former petty thieving, will blame with more ample security. – Chicago Times.



"The Colored Stampede," Boston (MA) Liberator, May 3, 1861, p. 4.

Coverage Type
Contains Stampede Term