
   The following appeared in the Cincinnati Herald of Thursday last. A number of slaves have made their escape from this city and neighborhood within a few weeks past. One, a female from this city, whose treatment by her master and mistress, was no doubt full as good as that received by any white servant in Cincinnati, and was always better card for during sickness, who was not satisfied with taking herself off but took with her a large amount––perhaps one or two hundred dollars worth of her mistress's jewelry and articles belonging to the house. It was unfortunate for her owner and the owners of others who have subsequently run off that search had not been made in some back buildings or garret rooms attached to the Herald office. 

                        FUGITIVE SLAVES. 

   There has evidently a great change taken place in public sentiment, on the subject of persons escaping from slavery. It has become a very difficult thing, of late, for slave hunters to recover them. And we are glad to believe that the people, at least, are not sorry, when they learn that a fellow man has acquired his freedom. Occasionally there can be found a press in the Free States, that is willing to play the watch-dog for slave-holders. But it is the exception. Formerly it was the rule.... Yet, even now, some of our Free State papers set themselves up as the champions of this tyrant's claim, and denounce even those who question it, as slave stealers. 


Covington (KY) Licking Valley Register, May 8, 1847, p2

Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term