

   The passage of the fugitive slave bill created quite a stampede among that class of persons and their friends, in the northern cities. We observe a number of fugitives left Pittsburg immediately upon the receipt of the news, and others were making active preparations to leave for Canada. Meetings have been held in Boston and New York, composed of free negroes, fugitive slaves and a few abolitionists, at which no little indignation was manifested.––A telegraphic dispatch from Boston, dated the 2d, says:–

   Great excitement prevails in various parts of the State in consequence of the Fugitive Slave Law, and the rumored presence of slave catchers at Worcester and Springfield, both places are said to contain large numbers of runaways. At Springfield last night a meeting of blacks and whites was held––inflammatory speeches were made against the law, and a determination expressed, that not a single fugitive slave should be taken out of Springfield, law or no law. The fugitives were earnestly recommended to arm themselves. Hard and bloody work is [sic] expected there if any attempt should be made to arrest them. 

  A dispatch from New York, of the same date, says:––

  The meeting last night of blacks and whites at the Zion Church was addressed by speakers of both colors. They unanimously denounced the Fugitive Slave Law, and expressed their determination to oppose it at the point of bowie-knives and with revolvers. 


"Fugitive Slaves," Glasgow (MO) Weekly Times, October 10, 1850, p. 2

Related Escape / Stampede
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Contains Stampede Term