
   RYNAWAY [RUNAWAY] SLAVES––Three slaves, two men and a woman, belonging to Mr. Piatt, who lives in Kentucky, just across the river from our city, ran away from their owner on the night of the 9th inst. They got as far up into Ohio as Bellefontaine, where they were recognized and arrested by a brother of Mr. Piatt at whose house they had stopped to get something to eat. A despatch stating the arrest having reached the owner of the slaves, he started, accompanied by five men, for Bellefontaine, but got there in time to be too late to get his property, The abolish had taken them by force and sent them on there [sic] way; and Mr. P had to return without their desirable company.––Lawrenceburg (Ind) Registeer [sic]


"R[u]naway Slaves," Henderson (KY) Democratic Banner, November 25, 1852

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Contains Stampede Term