
      That's right!––Give them 'goss.

   The Mt. Vernon Banner is down upon Letcher, Metcalfe, and all the stumpers from this State now in Ohio, like a thunder-gust. That is right brother Dunbar; drive them home, where they belong.––They have enough to do to keep their own negroes from raising a stampede, without troubling themselves about other people's business. The banner has the following thurst at the Honorables from Kentucky, who are now perambulating Ohio:

    'The federal party are putting forth the most desperate efforts to carry the State for Gen. Taylor in November next. They have imported speakers from Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, and we presume, Canada, to traverse the State in order to carry out their mad schemes of avarice and ambition. Yes, even ex-Governor Letcher and ex-Governor Metcalfe, slavery propagandists of Kentucky, are among the number of federal orators that are to teach freemen of Ohio how to vote. These men are sent forth to whip in the free soilers to support Gen. Taylor and their peculiar slavery institutions. This is decidedly rich, but we apprehend the people of Ohio will send them to their homes, where they belong, with something worse than a flea in their ears. They had better take care of their negroes, as the freemen of Ohio, are fully competent to take care of themselves. 

   Wonder if these Kentucky negro drivers are paid out of the whig corruption fund for their services?


"That's right--Give them 'goss," Maysville (KY) Campaign Flag, October 27, 1848

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term