...Having made several ineffectual attempts to get a quiet conversation with Senator John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, I met him accidentally on Sunday morning. I could not then enter into the details of John Brown's project; therefore I confined myself to explaining the urgency sending relief to my family."
In a letter written from Washington to Dr. Howe eight days after this, however, Forbes, whose own plan was the organizing of "a series of stampedes of slaves," along "the Northern slave frontier," finds opportunity to unfold "the details of John Brown's project" to his correspondence as follows: ...
[Editor's Note: The majority of this article has been omitted from our transcription except for the portions directly mentioning the term "slave stampedes" or some variant.]
"Seward, Hale, and Brown," Nashville (TN) Republican Banner and Nashville Whig, November 3, 1859, p. 2