BALTIMORE, Sept. 7, 1848.
The Isabel at Portsmouth––Remains of the Gallant Dead––Extensive Slave Stampede––Departure of the Liberia Packet––Theatricals, &c.
The new ocean steamer Isabel, reached Norfolk on her first trial, a distance of 200 miles, in sixteen hours, but was delayed considerably by her rudder, and portions of her machinery, not working smooth. She was taken into the dry dock yesterday, and will be coppered, and back to our wharf on Tuesday next.
The remains of Capt. Boyd and Lieut. Tanneyhill, late Baltimoreans, who lest [lost] their lives in a skirmish near Tampico, arrived at this port last night, and were immediately taken charge of by the military and Odd Fellows.
News reached the city yesterday, of an extensive stampede of slaves from Baltimore county, some twenty or more having made their escape to "free soil." Six of them were property of the Hon. J. T. H. Worthington, and twelve belonging to another person, whose name I have not ascertained. They all succeeded in crossing the Pennsylvania line, pursued by a large number of slaveholders; but they seem to have had everything well prepared beforehand, with horses waiting on the line in readiness for them to fly beyond pursuit.
The Liberia Packet sailed yesterday, on her fourth voyage to Maryland, in Liberia. The services on the wharf were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Payne and Wilson, two colored preachers, who were about returning to Liberia from a visit to their early homes. They strongly urged the long concourse of blacks assembled to follow their example, and hasten to embark to the land of their forefathers, the only land where the colored race could enjoy true liberty and equality.
At the Museum, last night, Miss Clarke, of New York, made her debut, and I learn received anything but a flattering reception.
The Olympic Theatre opens to-night, under the management of Elder Adams, Mr. Robinson having withdrawn. The amusements are to consist of a grand ball, in which the audience are permitted to join, to be followed by theatricals. What next?
"Extensive Slave Stampede," New York (NY) Herald, September 8, 1848, p. 4.