
                             The News.

   The three days' later European intelligence received by the Europa last evening, is almost entirely devoid of political interest. England, it appears, is somewhat anxious with regard to the designs of Louis Napoleon in increasing the French navy to so great an extent. Indeed, according to our London correspondent, John Bull really begins to feel a little apprehensive of an invasion, and is preparing to adopt precautionary measures on an extensive scale. British subjects are being insulted with impunity by Austrian subjects––Louis Napoleon is strengthening himself in every department, being determined, as he expresses it, to show the sovereigns that he "can kindle a flame;" in short, everything gives token that there will be a tremendous flare up among the nations of the old world, before a great while. As a means of self defence, as well as for the protection of the commerce of the two countries, our correspondent urges a naval alliance between Great Britain and the United States. Her Majesty's ship Prince Albert has returned from the polar regions, after a fruitless search for the missing ships and crews of Sir John Franklin. Reports were current in London that gold had been discovered in Caffraria. The money market was firm, and there had been no change in American securities. Cotton remained about the same as at last accounts, but breadstuffs had slightly improved, in consequences of unfavorable reports concerning the harvests. 

   By way of New Orleans we have advices from Cuba to the 18th inst, being five days later than our previous accounts. The last news states that the passengers who left this port in the Crescent City, for Havana, and were eventually carried from New Orleans to their destined port by the Black Warrior, had been arrested and examined with regard to the proceedings on board the Crescent City. They were subsequently released; but some of the passengers who went out from New Orleans in the bark Millaudon did not fare so well. They were thrown into prison for having copies of the Picayune in their pockets, as was also a prominent citizen of Havana, in whose possession a number of the Delta newspaper was found. According to our Baltimore despatch, Consul Sharkey must be at his post in Havana by this time. 

   A despatch from Boston, states that the owners of the vessels sent out to gather guano at Lobos, have forwarded instructions to their captains not to their captains not to attempt to forcibly load with the precious manure, but to seek freight elsewhere. Having been led into error by Secretary Webster's later to Captain Jewett, it is understood that they intend to seek redress for their losses from our government. At last advices, Com. McAuley had not received the orders countermanding the notification given him to defend American vessels in securing guano, so that it is still a matter of uncertainty as to whether we shall not get into serious trouble with Peru on this subject. Read the extract from the London Times concerning this affair. 

   We continue to chronicle the movements and speeches of General Scott, as will be seen on reference to the telegraphic columns. His addresses, yesterday, at Wilmington and Baltimore seem to be composed of the same old stereotyped phrases of "glorious welcome," "gallantry of your sons," &c. He lodged in the latter city last night, and will reach Washington to-day. This will end one of the most extraordinary and unprofitable campaigning tours ever undertaken by an aspirant to the Presidential chair. The result of the late elections exhibits the remarkable fact that the whig cause lost ground wherever he went. 

   Last evening the whigs held their ratification meeting at the Broadway House. The staple of the speeches was the military glory of General Scott, and the raining of Pierce on the battle field, the tariff, internal improvements, and whig policy in general. The meeting was not distinguished by men of consideration, nor was there the slightest evidence of enthusiasm, notwithstanding the convulsive efforts to produce it. To make up for this oldness, there were fireworks, music, and electioneering songs, of which a specimen will be found in the report. 

   Quite an excitement sprung up at Sandusky, Ohio, last Wednesday, in consequence of the capture and subsequent reduce of a party of fugitive slaves from Kentucky. White and black citizens participated in the rescue, and immediately started the runaways for Canada. The owners, it is probable, will sue the city for the loss of their property. Another slave stampede occurred in Washington county, Maryland, last Saturday. No less than sixteen eloped. Like their Kentucky brethren, they are very likely in Canada by this time. No doubt they will all wish themselves back again before the winter is over. Northern winters and Southern negroes are not very well suited for each other. 

   A dinner is shortly to be given to the Nova Scotians to Admiral Seymour, of the British navy, for his vigorous defence of the fisheries against the Americans. The latter, in turn, ought to fête the same officer, for detaining nearly all the Nova Scotia vessels at Port Hood, for informality in their papers, and threatening to fire into any boat that should attempt to leave. 

   It is gratifying to learn that the terrific gale at Prince Edward Island was no so destructive to human life as at first represented. It appears to be true that some twelve or fifteen schooners sunk, but all of their crews escaped with their lives except one person. 

   John Toole was last Wednesday placed upon trial in the Essex county Oyer and Terminer, N.J. indicted for the murder of Mr. Jaggers, a farmer, last January. The evidence against the prisoner is entirely circumstantial; he, with a companion, having been seen around the premises of the deceased shortly before the murder, and having acted in a very suspicious and mysterious manner afterwards. When arrested, the prisoner was wandering about the country in a half-[illegible] condition. 

   Canton, the white waiter who caused the death of Williams, the black waiter, at Hoboken last Fourth of July, was yesterday found guilty of manslaughter in the Hudson county (N.J.) Court of Oyer and Terminer. 

   A lad in Baltimore, yesterday, stabbed and killed William Richardson, the captain of a vessel lying at that port. 

   Our Albany despatch states, that on the calling up of the case of Enoch Reed, charged with having participated in the rescue of the fugitive slave Jerry, a motion was made to quash the indictment, on the plea of irregularity in summoning the grand jury. The entire of yesterday was consumed in the hearing of arguments on this question. The jury, in the case of George Nottingham, indicted for robbing the Albany post office, had, last evening, been out some twenty hours without coming to any agreement. 

   Mr. Nosfin, a young German, worth twenty thousand dollars,committed suicide at Milwaukie, the other night, because he had been crossed in love. 

   The militia review of the first division, by Major-General Sandford, passed off with great éclat yesterday. A very large concourse of people assembled to witness the display. Many target companies likewise made a fine appearance, as will be observed by the reports elsewhere. 

   Mrs. Taylor and three of her children, perished by the burning of their dwelling at Alton, N.H., last Tuesday night. 

   Our inside pages to-day, contain a very interesting letter from Wisconsin, relative to the Stumping Tour of General Scott, John P. Hale, and George W. Julian––A lengthy extract concerning Secretary Webster's Health––Postal Convention between the United States and Prussia––Description of Articles and Animals at the Agricultural Show––Continuation of the Sale of Mr. Comstock's Property––Official Proceedings of the Board of Aldermen––Obituaries of General Jeremiah Johnson and William Freeman, Esq., both of King's county––Police and Theatrical Intelligence––Advertisements, &c.


"The News," New York (NY) Herald, October 22, 1852, p. 4.

Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
New York
Location of Coverage- State
New York
Contains Stampede Term