

Movements in Advance -- Col. Duryea Acting Brigadier -- Important Proclamation -- The Zouaves at Camp Butler -- Stampede of Slaves, &c

...The slaves are running away from their masters in troops. Daily they are brought into camp or to the fortress by the sentries. The soldiers have orders not to interfere with the rights of persons or property, and when the negroes run away they do it without solicitation from any of our forces. It is but the fulfillment of the prophecies of the loss which would be entailed upon the Southern States, and especially Virginia, if secession was carried to a bloody issue.  G.C.

[Editor's Note:  The majority of this article has been omitted from our transcription except for the portions directly mentioning the term "slave stampedes" or some variant.]



"From Fort Monroe,"  New York (NY) Times, May 31, 1861, p. 8.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
New York
Location of Coverage- State
New York
Contains Stampede Term