
   SLAVE ABDUCTED.––A mulatto man, who calls himself Francis Stames, has been arrested on a charge of abducting the slave of Mr. Robinson, who lives in the northern part of the city. He had previously got the slave on one of the Alton packets, but the Captain, suspecting all was not right, before he landed at Alton, handcuffed him and brought him back to this city, and placed him in the possession of the police. On the trial of the case, the slave produced some free papers, which subsequently proved to be forged, and he was discharged. Afterwards he agains tarted back, but his master heard of the transaction, and officer Melvin was sent in pursuit and arrested him in Bloomington and brought him back to this city and handed him over to his master. 


"Slave Abducted," St. Louis (MO) Republican, June 8, 1854

Related Escape / Stampede
Coverage Type
Contains Stampede Term