
Slave Stampede in Missouri

            The “deportation without compensation” movement is going on at such a formidable rate in Western Missouri [illegible] to threaten the absolute extirpation of slavery in the that quarter in a short time. Under the encouragement and armed aid which the movement receives from Kansas the slaves, not only of the border counties, but of counties low down on the river, are swarming across the lines in droves, taking whatever moveable property, such as horses, wagons, cattle, furniture, belonging to their masters they can seize, and making their way without molestation. On Friday night of last week fifty runaways in a gang from Lafayette county, carrying off six wagons, eighteen horse, and one carriage.

            The Lexington Union states that, during the last three weeks, not less than three hundred slaves have escaped from Lafayette county. These slaves all go to Kansas. The very organization in that State engage in enticing them from Missouri are said to be sending them down into the Indian country and selling them to the Cherokees and Choctaws. The person engage in this business are making large sums out of it— St. Louis News, 27th.


"Slave Stampede in Missouri," Bel Air (MD) National American, May 22, 1863, p. 1.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Bel Air
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term