
  SLAVE STAMPEDE.––Twenty-one slaves escaped from the vicinity of Chestertown, Md., last week, aided by the agents of the underground railroad in the neighborhood. These escapades have become so frequent in Maryland that many of the owners in the Eastern Division of the State are filled with distrust, and purpose sending southward all those whom there is the least danger of losing in that way.––Phila. North American.

   This determination will interfere materially with the "underground railroad" arrangements of the editor of the Louisville Journal. He will doubtless protest against it vehemently, and again urge, as he did in 1844, that "all men have a right to liberty, no matter what color."


"Slave Stampede," Louisville (KY) Daily Courier, October 3, 1855, p. 4

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term