
Reported Insurrection at Harper's Ferry.

   Frederick City and Baltimore dispatches of the 17th give conflicting accounts of an insurrection at Harper's Ferry. One is that an armed band of abolitionists have full possession of the U.S. Arsenal; that an express train had been fired into; that a negro was killed in getting the train through; that a wagon load of rifles had been sent into Maryland; and that a mob led by about 250 whites with a gang of negroes were fighting. The Baltimore dispatch says the affair is greatly exaggerated. The difficulty occured at the armory, and the negroes have nothing to do with it. The train due at Baltimore early in the morning was detained, and many wild rumors were afloat, among others that there had been a stampede of negroes from Maryland.


"Reported Insurrection at Harper's Ferry," Cleveland (OH) Daily Leader, October 18, 1859, p. 2

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term