AFRICAN EXODUS.––A considerable number of passengers on the Underground Railroad, started from this city en route for Chicago, or some other Abolition region, on Sunday night. We understand that among the lot were six belonging to R.J. Gray, three to P. Chouteau, three to Emmanuel Block, and one to Mr. Merritt, of the firm of Warne & Merritt, and one belonging to Captain Smith, making fourteen in all that are heard from, and the supposition is that there are several others in the gang. The authorities of our city cannot be too particular in watching and punishing the emissaries of Abolitionism, both black and white, that are known to be in our midst.
But a few days since a man by the name of Davis walked boldly into the Hatting House on Broadway, accompanied by a negro, and seated himself, with his black companion, at the table, where he publicly declared his Abolition sentiments, and was ejected from the house with some resistance, and brought before the Recorder where he was tried and discharged; yet we are informed by an officer of the police that the name of this very man, in full as he gave it to the police, was a short time since found upon forged passes in the hands of negroes. He was, however, permitted to go free, and it is men of his character that steal the property of our city.
"African Exodus," St. Louis, MO Republican, October 24, 1854