
Another Slave Stampede and Conflict.––Baltimore, Aug. 9.––Five runaway Slaves were bro't [brought] here this morning in the Susquehannah cars from Pennsylvania. They were those who had absconded from different counties in this State. It being ascertained that the runaways were secreted on the farm of a colored man one mile across the Pennsylvania line, a party proceeded there with a view to the capture of the men.

They succeeded in arresting seven of them. In passing through Sprattsburg, some abolitionists headed by Postmaster Brown, made an attack at recapture, and rescued two of the Slaves.

Mr. Brown was knocked down, and the five Slaves retained were put in irons and brought to this city, where they were lodged in jail this morning to await the arrival of their owners. One of the slaves in attempting to shoot his captor, wounded himself.


"Another Slave Stampede and Conflict," Brattleboro (VT) Vermont Phoenix, August 23, 1850, p. 2.

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term