
            GENERAL NEWS. 

   In another column we publish, to-day, a Proclamation by PRESIDENT LINCOLN, wherein he suspends the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases. 

   Among the arrivals yesterday, at Boston, was the schooner Owen Beane, from Toledo, via Montreal.

   The Boston steamer Plantagenet, from the West Indies, brings us intelligence of the destruction of the flourishing town of Port au Platte by the Spanish fleet. The town is or was the capital of one of the arrondissements of Hayti, located on the north shore, some ten or twelve miles northwest of Santiago.

   The city of Buffalo has again been visited by a destructive fire. Several warehouses were destroyed. The estimated loss is about $120,000.

   The supply steamer Massachusetts will leave the Navy Yard next Saturday for the South Atlantic Squadron. This will enable all those who have friends in that quarter to mail them letters direct, as she will, no doubt, take out a letter bag. 

   The President has considered and approved the revised trade regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury for the government of the limited commercial intercourse licensed by the President between the citizens of the loyal States and those inhabiting localities heretofore declared to be in insurrection. The particulars will be found in our Washington despatches.

   Our London correspondent, in his last letter, says of the Rebel loan:––"I am credibly informed that it has on some occasions this week, been offered as low as fifty discount by holders who are 'hard up,' and that no purchasers could be found. While, therefore, the raising of this loan has been of no material service to the South, it has served a very good purpose to a certain indicator of the real character of the opinions of commercial England." What are its quotations to-day?

   Last Monday a party of fifty slaves undertook a stampede from their masters in Anne Arundel and Calvert counties, Maryland, intending to make their way into Washington city. Some citizens who had organized themselves into a patrol, undertook to stop them, and the negroes being armed with old guns, a skirmish ensued. The inferior quality of the stampeders' fire-arms enabled the citizens to capture them after having wounded a number. 

   The latest returns from Maine last night denote the election of the Union candidate for Governor by a large majority. It now stands at over fifteen thousand, and the towns to be heard from, it is said, will considerably increase that majority. 


"General News," Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, September 16, 1863, p. 4

Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term