DODGE COUNTY, situated on the northerly boundary of Missouri. Area, ------ square miles. Seat of justice, St. John. Pop. in 1850, 353. (Fanning's, 1853)
DODGE, a new county in the N. part of Missouri, bordering on Iowa, has an area of 210 square miles. It is drained by the head streams of Locust and Medicine creeks. The slope of the surface is towards the S. Indian corn, wheat, oats, hay, and butter are the staples. In 1850 this county produced 75,208 bushels of corn; 1770 of wheat; 5325 of oats; 87 tons of hay, and 16,207 pounds of butter. County seat not yet established. Population, 375, of whom 373 were free, and 2, slaves. Named in honor of Henry Dodge, long a resident of Missouri, and afterwards governor of Wisconsin. (Baldwin & Thomas, A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States ... 1854)
NOTE: Dodge County, Missouri was founded in 1846 and absorbed into Putnam County, Missouri in 1853 following a Missouri-Iowa border readjustment.