LEWISTOWN, p-v., capital of Fulton co., Ill., 55 N. w. Springfield, 833 W. It contains a neat court house, a jail, 3 stores, and about 40 dwellings. It is 4 ms. E. of Spoon r. and 12 ms. w. of Illinois r. (Haskell's Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the the United States...,1840)
LEWISTOWN a pretty post-village, capital of Fulton county, Illinois, 55 miles N. W. from Springfield, and 4 miles E. from Spoon river. Bituminous coal is abundant in the vicinity. Lewistown contains several churches, and 2 newspaper offices. (Baldwin's New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States..., 1854)
LEWISTON (sic) A beautiful post village, capital of Fulton county, 65 miles north-west from Springfield and four miles east from Spoon river. Bituminous coal is found in great abundance in the vicinity. Lewiston contains several churches and has good school facilities, which are well improved. Geo. McLeran. Postmaster. (Hawes' Illinois State Gazetteer...,1859)