
   THE NEGRO IKE.––This negro, as our readers are aware, made his escape some three weeks since, and after eluding the vigilance of his pursuers for some time, was finally captured and brought back to town. He was then more heavily ironed, to insure his safer keeping. But it appears that his keeper, as he complained that the chain around his ancle caused it to swell and gave him great pain, was induced to remove it during the day, with the intention of replacing it at night. 

   On last Saturday evening, about dusk, and before the chain was put back on his ancle, he managed to rid himself of his hand-cuffs, and by some means got out of his room, and made a hasty flight. But it is most singular how he made good his escape under such circumstances. The alarm and pursuit were immediately given, and so close was the chase, and such were the numbers after him, that he was forced to secrete himself among the gympson, within a few hundred yards from his place of starting. These gympson grow very thick about town, and with the aid of twilight, afford excellent hiding places. To these facts alone we must attribute Ike's escape, for within a few moments his pursuers had increased to fifty or sixty. He was started up from his hiding place once or twice, but still managed to elude their efforts, and after a most exciting chase of near an hour, it was nearly abandoned. More enlarged efforts for his capture were made during the night and next morning, but up to the time of our going to press (Thursday morning) he has not been taken. 

   This negro was in charge of the Vigilance committee. A liberal reward is offered for his apprehension. 


"The Negro Ike," Huntsville (MO) Randolph Citizen, August 9, 1855

Related Escape / Stampede
Coverage Type
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term