THE ATTEMPTED STAMPEDE.––Capt. Goodridge, of the schooner Grace Darling, who, while at Norfolk a few weeks since gave information which led to the capture of five slaves who were on board his vessel with the intention of escaping, has made an explanation in Boston, to save him from the wrath of his abolition friends there. The Boston Transcript says: We have received from Capt. Goodridge of the schooner Grace Darling, a statement respecting his connection with the slave arrests made in Norfolk. He says that while at Norfolk on the 9th instant "a slave runner" came on board and requested him to take a single slave to Boston, offering to pay him $80 for the passage. But he refused to take the slave on board. In order, however, to inform himself the liabilities of the case, Captain Goodridge says he made inquiries of a Norfolk gentleman respecting the laws touching the question, stating to him the case. This gentleman advised that the slave be allowed to come on board, saying that he would have an officer and arrest him. Accordingly the runner came on board, bringing five slaves instead of one, and they were all arrested. Capt. G. says the he had no other motive in what he did but to protect himself from the laws of Virginia.
"The Attempted Stampede," Richmond (VA) Dispatch, June 29, 1855, p. 1