
   NEGRO STAMPEDING.––More negroes have stolen property from their masters and run away during the last week. On Sunday night, three negro men belonging to Col. Chiles stole three horses and a wagon and left for Kansas. The matter being made known to Major McGee, commanding post, he telegraphed the commanding officer at Independence co secure the stock, which he did, and sent it to Colonel Chiles by a detachment of the 4th M.S.M., on Wednesday last. The Colonel was in attendance on the Legislature at Jefferson City, and on learning the facts, he immediately telegraphed Gen. Ewing to stop the negroes and put them in the U.S. service, which in compliance with a late order, was done. 

   Negroes that run off hereafter will do so to some purpose, as most of them will be handed over by their owners to the service.––Lexington [Missouri] Union


"Negro Stampeding," Canton, MO Weekly Press, December 3, 1863

Related Escape / Stampede
Location of Stampede
Coverage Type
Via Wire Report
Location of Coverage- City
Location of Coverage- State
Contains Stampede Term