Our database contains over 1,000 newspaper articles that specifically label a group escape as a "slave stampede" or some related variant, such as "negro stampede." Our document records also include hundreds of other types of primary sources and newspaper articles related to these stampedes but that do not contain the word itself. The map below provides a sample visualization of the newspaper coverage between 1856 and 1860 with clickable access to the various records inside our database. The detailed listing underneath includes records for all of the documents from the period 1847 to 1865, containing both transcripts and original images.

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                        UNITED STATES ITEMS.

            The New York Evening Post says another fleet is to be sent after Alabama.

            Eleven hundred sick soldiers from the Army of the Potomac arrived in Washington last week.


Slave Stampede in Kentucky. – A very respectable slaveholder from Kentucky informs us that, within three weeks past, a change seems to have come over the spirit of the negroes’ dreams in the Southern counties of that State, and large numbers of them are running off. He says that over one hundred and fifty have escaped from one county, and the trouble is increasing. In spite of the enormous prices which the great Kentucky staple, tobacco, is bringing slaves have depreciated greatly in value. A very large portion of the slave-owners say that slavery is hopelessly destroyed, and that they are willing to acquiesce in any disposition which may be made of the slaves. This sentiment is rapidly spreading among the people. The Union men are almost unanimously opposed to the factious and sellers course of the pro-slavery bigots at the Louisville and Frankfort.


SLAVE STAMPEDE IN KENTUCKY. – The Nashville Union of the 27th says:


SLAVE STAMPEDE IN KENTUCKY. – The Nashville Union of the 27th says:“A very respectable slaveholder from Kentucky informs us that, within three weeks past, a change seems to have come over the negroes in the southern counties of that Sate, and large numbers of them are running off. He says that over 150 have escaped from one county, and the trouble is increasing. In spite of the enormous prices which the great Kentucky staple, tobacco, is bringing, slaves have depreciated greatly in value. A very large proportion of the slave owners say that slavery is hopelessly destroyed, and that they are willing to acquiesce in any disposition which may be made of the slaves. This sentiment is rapidly spreading among the people.


 Southern Slavery--The Black Race--The Dangers of a Protracted War.

   Since those stupendous military operations of last summer which resulted in the complete reopening of the Mississippi river, and since the advance of our Army of the Cumberland to the northern border of Georgia, we have had, from time to time, some startling admissions and complaints from Southern rebel journals of the alarming accessions to the slave population of Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina from the other slave States occupied or invaded by the Union forces. 


   NEGRO STAMPEDING.––More negroes have stolen property from their masters and run away during the last week. On Sunday night, three negro men belonging to Col. Chiles stole three horses and a wagon and left for Kansas. The matter being made known to Major McGee, commanding post, he telegraphed the commanding officer at Independence co secure the stock, which he did, and sent it to Colonel Chiles by a detachment of the 4th M.S.M., on Wednesday last. The Colonel was in attendance on the Legislature at Jefferson City, and on learning the facts, he immediately telegraphed Gen. Ewing to stop the negroes and put them in the U.S. service, which in compliance with a late order, was done. 

   Negroes that run off hereafter will do so to some purpose, as most of them will be handed over by their owners to the service.––Lexington [Missouri] Union


            MISSOURI ITEMS.

   THE HANNIBAL Courier is urging the enterprise of a lyceum, reading-room and lectures in that city. 

   THE residence of Wm. B. Smott, near Fayette, was lately destroyed by fire, with all the contents. 

   THE Provost Marshal at Jefferson credits Boone county with some 200 negro recruits. 

   THE City Hotel, in Lexington, Mo., was destroyed by fire last Wednesday.

   SOME sixty negroes, from Randolph, Howard and Macon counties were enlisted at Macon City last week.

   A SALOON keeper at Jefferson had twenty barrels of the ardent confiscated last week, for selling liquor to soldiers. 

   THE sick and wounded at the Military Hospital in Jefferson City are to be regaled with a dinner on Christmas, by Union ladies in this city.


                                    THE SLAVES AS AFFECTED BY THE REBELLION.

            The following are extracts from a letter written by a loyal Tennessean to gentleman in this city. They give his views of the condition of the slave as affected by the Rebellion, and will interested many as the opinions of one who had lived for many years in a Slave State and watched the working of the institution through all the recent troubles:



   Lord Stanley is reported to have said a clever thing recently, in regard to the speck of war in Europe; he remarked that England was, no doubt, morally responsible to Denmark for a certain amount of physical as well as moral aid, but that what Europe wants is some system of war with limited liability.


[Special Correspondence of the Louisville Journal.]


                  STEVENSON, Feb. 19, 1864.

Government Record

Capt Woodward

Provost Marshal Genl

A negro man named Montrose of yellow complexion about twenty two years of age, left my premises in Lexington about the 1st of February 1864 and entered into the Service of the United States employed as a teamster from Camp Nelson and as I am informed, and believe is still there and so imployed [sic]. I wish to have him ordered to be sent to the Provost Marshal stationed at Lexington, that he may be enlisted into the service of the United States as a soldier.

Morgan Vance

Government Record


Stanford Ky May 27th, 1864


Provost Marshal

Camp Nelson Ky

please provide for the enlisted men of color whose names are found in the enclosed list till forwarded to Capt. Thomas H. Moore Prov Marshal 7th Dist. Ky at Lexington

Respectfully &c,

Robert E Barron


A list of colored persons Volunteered in service of US in Stanford Lincoln County

Name of Volunteers     age     occupation   complexion    eyes    hair    height

1 Taylor Bright                35         farmer          copper         blk      Blk    6ft


           Kentucky Negro Exodus




EXODUS OF NEGROES FROM KENTUCKY. – The Cincinnati Commercial of 4th June remarks:





His Opinion of Jeff. Davis.



Stampede of Negroes to the Union Lines.


Seizure of Every Able Bodied Negro by the Rebel Government.


      Great Stampede of Negroes from Richmond.


           [From the Richmond Sentinel, Dec. 23.]

   A regular panic and stampede has taken place among the negroes of this city. Between forty and fifty have run off to the Yankees since last Saturday, in most cases carrying their trunks and household goods. On Wednesday night seven negroes belonging to Mr. Valentine Ricklar, living just beyond Union Hill, went off, carrying all their furniture. The cause of the stampede is the report that has gotten abroad that all the male negroes are to be put into the army. 




   How Jeff. Davis' Salary was Increased.

The Exchange of Prisoners is to be Resumed at Richmond.


  Richmond Papers Doubt the Capture of Savannah.

   NEW YORK, Dec. 27th.    The Richmond examiner of Saturday acknowledge that the affairs of the Confederacy are under a real cloud. 

   Jeff. Davis having asked for an increase for salary, a bill was passed by the rebel Senate to provide for lighting and warming to the executive mansion and for the supply of forage and commissary stores for the commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the so-called Confederate States.


 General Lee and the Negro Soldiers Question––The Richmond Negroes Running to Avoid the Draft. 


        Local Intelligence.



        MONTGOMERY, ALA., Jan. 5, 1865.


                 Arming the Slaves. 

   The Rebel leaders are conscious that in adopting the policy of arming the Slaves, they are embarking in a perilous enterprise. They approach the subject with fear and trembling. They know they are taking a step which m ay result not only in the ruin of their cause but in the destruction of society itself. They are well aware that the arms they propose to put into the hands of the servile masses may be turned against their own breasts, and the power they delegate may be a power that will be used to crush them. They are not without misgivings that the education in arms they intend to confer upon the Blacks will be "improved" not only to achieve their own Freedom, but to expel the white race as well. 


           How Emancipation Works.



   The town of Lynchburg, Virginia, which from the commencement of the war the rebels had been able to maintain possession of, and which only a week ago was considered of sufficient strength to withstand for some time, if Lee could get his army within its works, a siege of the entire Army of the Potomac, surrendered on Tuesday to a lieutenant colonel in command of a Union scouting party, and is now garrisoned by a brigade of national troops. 


               STAMPEDE OF NEGROES.

                        DANVILLE, KY., April 22, 1865.

To the Editors of the Louisville Journal:

   The stampede of negroes from this region to Camp Nelson, has received a new impulse within a few days by a rumor generally spread among them in the form of a message, said to be received from Captain Hall, quartermaster at Camp Nelson, that, unless they came into camp this week and next, they would be sent after, and given over to the rebels. This absurd story is generally believed by them, and is said to have been brought here by some agent from the camp. 


How Dinah Got a Companion for Life.

"Mack," writing from Lexington (Ky.) to the Cincinnati Commercial, says:

Mr. Harlan, the conservative candidate for the Legislature in the Frankfort District, made a speech a few days ago, in which he took ground that there was no hope for the passage of the Constitutional amendment, but that Kentucky would abolish slavery by State action, though it would require at least seven years to do it. There happened to be quite a number of darkies listening to him, and the idea of seven years more of slavery was so distasteful to them that they concluded immediately to take the short cut to freedom via the army. Accordingly, they not only want themselves, but got all their neighbors to join them in a stampede for the nearest recruiting station, and the result was an accession of more than a hundred sable recruits to the Army of Uncle Sam.



Refugees Home in Kentucky.

For the Worcester Daily Spy.


   Kentucky and other papers have lately published what purported to be an order from Gen Palmer, or by his authority, granting passes to all negroes who desired to leave the State— an expeditious method of ratifying the Constitutional Amendment. The Western Citizen of Paris, Ky., says the stampede of negroes is enormous, and gives particulars of their thronging about headquarters. It alleges that in five days 1,300 passes averaging four persons to each pass had been issued. So at Lexington and other points, and it was estimated that 25,000 negroes left Kentucky last week.  

            But now comes The Cincinnati Enquire of August 1, with this statement   


                                                            THE NEWS.



                 General Palmer to the President.


                                 LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 27, 1865                      }

 To his Excellency ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States:––


        Slavery in Kentucky.

   General John M. Palmer, commanding the Department of Kentucky, has addressed the following letter to President Johnson in answer to the charge that the provost-marshals of his department were in the habit of issuing "free papers" to colored persons, without regard to the legal right of those receiving them to freedom––



                                 LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 27, 1865                      }

 To his Excellency ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States:––



Recollections of the Underground Railroad.


We had also agencies and stations at Baltimore–Jacob R. Gibbs and our lamented friend; Darius Stokes. At Alexandria we had a host of true friends. Now for the modus operandi:


The Plans of John Brown.

                Gerrit Smith writes a long letter, in which he denies that he know [knows] anything of John Browns’ invasion scheme. He also relates some interesting circumstances in regard to that old her. Mr. Smith says:


Where were you a slave, Perry?

I was sold and brought up in old Kentucky, in Greenup County. I was sold from that county into Boone and from Boone into Kenton. My last master was Milt Graves. A few weeks before I ran away, a party of twenty-two slaves had made their escape. Among the number were William Casey [alias Lewis Gardner], who used to live in Battle Creek, George Hamilton, father of John Evans, Nelson Stephens and wife and daughter, the latter now Mrs. A.D. Cook of this city. They were all living in my neighborhood.

Was it their successful escape that incited you to run away?


...When I was about 17 years old, eleven slaves came along at one time some of them women. We put them into two lightly covered wagons, and I drove one of the teams. It was not practicable to stop at Plymouth station, so we had to drive to the next sixty miles from home, took the day time for the last thirty miles. Keeping the darkies well covered with hay in the wagon body. Did not reach home until the fourth day, and you can well imagine that our folks here were pretty well frightened about us. I suppose that nearly one hundred slaves passed the Mendon station of the Underground R.R. and I never heard of but one being captured. That was near McComb, McDonough Co. Ills....


               FREE NEGRO FOR 46 YEARS.

   Last survivor of the 1848 'Insurrection' Tells of Attempt to Escape.

   There is living in Lexington, Ky., an old negro, Harry Slaughter, who is the last survivor of the negro "insurrection" of 1848. He was born on March 13, 1818, and grew to be a man of remarkable physique. He was 6 feet 1 inches tall, weighed 214 pounds, and was considered the best man physically in Fayette county when he was in his prime, says the New York Sun. 

   In 1849 he was owned by Miss Sidney Edmiston, who had at that time one of the most costly residences in Lexington. She had a fondness for male servants of gigantic proportions, and on account of his size he was made a dining-room man. Although well treated, he longed for freedom. This is the story he told one day of his attempts to obtain it. He is now in his 80th year: