Our database contains over 1,000 newspaper articles that specifically label a group escape as a "slave stampede" or some related variant, such as "negro stampede." Our document records also include hundreds of other types of primary sources and newspaper articles related to these stampedes but that do not contain the word itself. The map below provides a sample visualization of the newspaper coverage between 1856 and 1860 with clickable access to the various records inside our database. The detailed listing underneath includes records for all of the documents from the period 1847 to 1865, containing both transcripts and original images.

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     "Uncle Tom's Cabin as it is."

   This long promised publication, which seems to have had as many ante-natal difficulties to encounter as "Poor Yerrick" had, is, at length, born and swaddled; and Buffalo, this Queen City of the Lakes, has the high honor, or the humiliating affliction, whichever it may be considered by the reader, or being the place of its nativity and the residence of its parent. 


  The Slave Stampede.––A number of persons have gone in pursuit of the fourteen male and female slaves of Mrs. Pendletown, of this county, who ran off on Satruday night to Pennsylvania. They were, at the time, hired out in different sections of the county. Mrs. P. has offered a reward of $1,400 for their recovery. 


   THERE was an extensive slave stampede in Pendleton Co., Va., on the night of the 28th ult


   A SLAVE STAMPEDE.--It is said there was a regular stampede on the night of the 28th ult., among the slaves of Pendleton county, Va.–– Among those who left were three belonging to Z. Dyer, Esq., late Clerk of the county; two were owned by Cyrus Hopkins, Esq., and one by Elijah Stonestreet. About a year since, A.W. Dyer, Esq., of the same county, lost four valuable slaves in the same way. 


   A Slave Stampede.--It is said there was a regular stampede on the night of the 28th ult., among the slaves of Pendleton county, Va. Among those who left were three belonging to Z. Dyer, Esq., late Clerk of the county; two were owned by Cyrus Hopkins, Esq., and one by Elijah Stonestreet. About a year since, A.W. Dyer, Esq., of the same county, lost four valuable slaves in the same way. 


   A SLAVE STAMPEDE.––We understand that fourteen negroes, male and female, belonging to Mrs. Pendleton, of Hagerstown, and hired out at different places in the country, ran away on Saturday night last, to Pennsylvania. A reward of four hundred dollars is offered for their apprehension, and a number of persons who did not "loathe" the Fugitive Slave Law, are in hot pursuit of them. 

   P.S.––These Slaves were captured at Harrisburg and confined in the jail at that place. 


   THE NEGROES LEAVING.  We learn from the Rockingham, Va., Register, that on last Wednesday night, two weeks, there was a considerable stampede among the negroes of Pendleton county in that State. Z. Dyer, Esq., late clerk of the county, lost three; Cyrus Hopkins, Esq., two; and Elijah Stonestreet, one. About a year since, A.W. Dyer, of the same county, lost four of his most valuable slaves in the same way.


THE NEGROES LEAVING.-- We learn from the Rockingham, Va. Register, that on the 4th inst., there was a considerable stampede among the negroes of Pendleton county, in that State, Z. Dyer, Esq., late Clerk of the County, lost three; Cyrus Hopkins, Esq., two; and Elijah Stonestreet, one.-- About a year since, A.W. Dyer, of the same county, lost four of his mot valuable slaves in the same way. 


   STAMPEDE.––Sometime Tuesday night, seven negro men, the property of the Messrs. Arterburn, in this city, broke out of their "quarters," and ran off. We suppose they are "pre-lying," or lying out in some of the cornfields in the county. Several of them had heavy "bracelets" on.


A SLAVE STAMPEDE.-- We understand that fourteen negroes, males and females, belonging to Mr. Pendleton, of Hagerstown, and hired out at different places in the country, ran away, to Pennsylvania a few weeks ago. A reward of four hundred dollars was offered for their apprehension, and they were subsequently captured near Harrisburg. 


   STAMPEDE –– There was a stampede among the negroes in Washington county, Md., week before last, and one person, a lady, lost fourteen on the occasion. It is said they went through Harrisburg last Sunday a week. The negroes have not been taken. 


   STAMPEDE.––On Tuesday night, the 24th ult., seven slaves belonging to the Messrs. Arterburn, of Louisville, broke out of their quarters and ran off. It was supposed that they were lying out in some of the cornfields in the country. 


NEGRO STAMPEDE--LARGE REWARD.--Attention is directed to the advertisement in another column, offering a large reward for the apprehension of runaway negroes.



     RUNAWAY from the subscribers on the night of the 4th inst., the following slaves: Bernard, a bright mulatto boy, tall and good looking; speaks French and English, aged about twenty-six years, and belongs to Lewis V. Bogy, of Ste. Genevieve. 

    Henry, also a bright mulatto, rather small, but very active; speaks French and English, aged about eighteen years, and belongs also to Lewis V. Bogy. 

   Joseph, a red mulatto, tall and slender, speaks French and English, aged from twenty-six to twenty-eight years, belongs to Antoine Janis, of Ste. Genevieve. 

   Theodore, a mulatto, short and stumpy, with a downcast look, speaks French and English, aged about twenty-three to twenty-five years, belongs to Neree Valle of St. Genevieve. 


   We copy the following from the Maysville Eagle of Thursday evening, the 9th inst:

   NEGRO STAMPEDE.––On Tuesday night last eight slaves, (five men, a woman, and two children) belonging to sundry cities of Mason county, made their escape, and have not yet been recovered. There is ground of suspicion that a portion, if not all of the fugitives, fled in concert, and they were aided by white confederates in crossing the river. The outrages thus inflicted on the owners, loudly demanded redress; and the slaveholders of this region ought to devise for themselves some practical and efficient remedy. The proposition made at a public meeting in this city two or three months ago, for an association of slaveholders, has not, so far as we have heard, been acted on, by any considerable number of them. 


   STAMPEDE.––There was a stampede among the negro slaves in Washington Co., Md., week before last, and a Mrs. Pendleton lost fourteen on the occasion. The negroes have not been taken. 


   SLAVE STAMPEDE.––We notice in the St. Louis papers that nine slaves recently ran-away from their masters, in and near St. Genevieve, Missouri, on the night of the 4th of September. The slaves have been traced across the river, into Illinois, and it is believed they were accompanied by whites, who directed their flight to the neighborhood of Sparta, Randolph county, where a very strong anti-slavery feeling exists. Persons have proceeded to that locality, to secure the fugitives if possible. The probability is, that they will not be successful. The slaves were young men, ranging from 20 to 30 years of age. A reward of twelve hundred dollars is offered for their arrest. 


   SLAVE STAMPEDE.––Eight slaves escaped from St. Genevieve, Mo., and that vicinity one night last week. They are in Illinois, and officers are in pursuit. 


   Negro Stampede.––The Marysville (Ky.) Eagle says that on the night of the 7th inst. eight slaves belonging to sundry citizens of Mason county, Ky., made their escape across the Ohio river. It was thought that they fled in concert, and were aided by white confederates. The Eagle calls upon the slaveholders to form an association for self-defence. 


   NEGRO STAMPEDE.––On Tuesday night last, (five men, a woman, and two children) belonging to sundry citizens of Mason county, Kentucky, made their escape, and have not yet been recovered.––There is strong ground of suspicion that a portion, if not all of the fugitives, fled in concert, and that they were aided by white confederates in crossing the river. Tee [The] Maysville Eagle calls for an association of Slave holders for the protection of their property. 


   On the night of the 28th of August there was a regular stampede among the slaves of Pendleton county, Va. It is said that several dozens of most valuable slaves made their exit on this occasion from the county; and that no hope of their recovery is entertained, as it is believed that they had it cut and dried to go to Canada without delay. 


Negro Stampede. -- On Tuesday night last, eight slaves, (five men, a woman, and two children,) belonging to sundry citizens of Mason county, (Ky.) made their escape, and have not been recovered.-- There is strong ground of suspicion that a portion, if not all of the fugitives, fled in concert, and that they were aided by white confederates in crossing the river. The outrages thus inflicted on the owners, loudly demand redress; and the slaveholders of this region ought to devise for themselves some practical and efficient remedy.--Marysville Eagle


   FUGITIVE SLAVE.––Three of the nine runaway slaves from St. Genevieve, Mo., were captured last week in the vicinity of this city. They were taken to St. Louis last Saturday. A reward of $1600 was offered for the capture of the whole gang. We have not heard what proportion will be awarded for this partial capture.


   ARREST OF THE OTHER STE. GENEVIEVE FUGITIVE SLAVES.––The St. Louis papers state that late on Monday afternoon, Mr. E.B. Way, a resident of Illinois, about fifteen miles east of Alton, discovered a gang of five negroes in his woods as he was passing by. Supposing them to be the Ste. Genevieve fugitives, he induced them to go to his house under the belief that he would assist them to escape. They accompanied him and partook of a supper, which was ordered by Mr. Way to be prepared for them, whilst he left the house under a pretext of getting the wagon ready to carry them further on––but in reality to get the assistance of a neighbor, Mr. W.A. Scott, to assist in making them prisoners. Previous to his leaving, Mr. Way secured their guns, which were brought by the negroes to the house, so that with the assistance of Mr. Scott––they being well armed––the whole were arrested without difficulty, and secured.


There was a stampede among the negro slaves in Washington Co., Md., week before last, and a Mrs. Pendleton lost fourteen on the occasion. The negroes have not been taken.––[Mil. Free Democrat.


                Great Slave Stampede.


                    MAYSVILLE, KY., Sept. 27, 1852.

   Thirty-one slaves, from the neighborhood of Augusta, and Dover, Ky., escaped to Ohio last night. They were traced to Ripley on the river, and were pursued by their owners and others from this side. The clothes taken by the slaves were found concealed in a yard, and the owners were refused a warrant to search the house in which it was supposed most of the slaves were hid. Five who had continued on were pursued by their masters, and three captured. They are expected to be brought over tonight. 


   ESCAPE OF SLAVES.––On Saturday night week seven slaves escaped from Wood county, Va., to parts unknown. Six of these slaves belonged to Wm. Spencer, Esq., and one to the estate of Geo. W. Kincheloe, dec'd. Stampedes have been very frequent this season in that vicinity. 


   SLAVE STAMPEDE.––Eight slaves escaped from St. Genevieve, Mo., and that vicinity last week. They are in Illinois, and officers are in pursuit. 


            Stampede of Slaves.

   MAYSVILLE, September 29.––Thirty-one slaves a day or two ago ran away from here to Ripley, Ohio, and have not yet been arrested. Trouble is apprehended unless the authorities surrender them. 


               From the Carolina Spartan.



                              GREAT SLAVE STAMPEDE. 

MAYSVILLE, KY., Sept. 27.--Thirty one slaves from the neighborhood of Augusta and Dover, Ky., escaped to Ohio last night. They were traced to Ripley on the river, and were pursued by their owners and others from this side.-- The clothes taken by the slaves were found concealed in a yard, and the owners were refused a warrant to search the house in which it was supposed most of the slaves were hid. Five who had continued on were pursued by their masters, and three captured. They are expected to be brought over to-night. 

   The negroes of Ripley assisted in numbers, armed with guns, and surrounded the hotel where the Kentuckians stopped. Fears are entertained of a serious disturbance, as the Kentuckians remain there on the watch, and are determined to recover the slaves. 


             A Stampede of Slaves.

   MAYSVILLE, KY., Sept. 29––Thirty-one slaves escaped from this place a day or two ago, to Ripley, Ohio, where they concealed themselves, and had not been arrested at the latest accounts. The Kentuckyans are on the [illegible] as trouble is anticipated, if they are not given up immediately by the authorities. 


   MAYSVILLE, Sept. 29––The clothes taken by the slaves were found concealed in a yard and the owners were refused a warrant to search the house in which it was supposed most of the slaves were hid. Five who had continued on were pursued by their masters and were captured. They are expected to be brought over tonight. 


   ANOTHER NEGRO STAMPEDE.––On Saturday or Sunday night last, some thirty-two slaves, the property of citizens of Mason and Bracken counties, made their escape across the Ohio river. Three of them captured some thirty-five miles back of Ripley, have since returned; but owing to the facilities for flight afforded in Ohio, the probability is that the residue will make good their escape. It is beyond question that fugitive slaves are afforded protection, means and facilities, by people of Ohio, regardless of the obligations and duties devolved on them by the Constitution and Laws of the United States. 

   Now, our readers well know that we are not in the habit of allowing any sort of exciting or inflammatory matter to enter these columns. We have been disposed to forbear much, in order to quiet agitation and to give evidence to the North that the South in good faith acquiesce in the Compromise measures.





  Mr. Baring's Visit––A Dinner at Mr. Corcoran's in his Honor––Progress of the Campaign––Flight of Slaves.

           Correspondence of the New-York Daily Times.

              WASHINGTON, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1852. 


   SLAVE STAMPEDE.––Thirty-one slaves from the neighborhood of Augusta and Dover, Ky. escaped to Ohio on Saturday night of last week. They were traced to Ripley on the river, and were pursued by their owners and others from this side. The clothes taken by the slaves were found concealed in a yard, and the owners were refused a warrant to search the house in which it was supposed most of the slaves were hid. Five who had continued on were pursued by their masters, and three captured. 

  The conduct of the public authorities of Ripley, Ohio was said to be very reprehensible.––Great indignation in consequence pervades the entire community from whence the slaves escaped. 



   The telegraph (says the Richmond Times) brings intelligence of the scale of thirty-one slaves, from the neighborhood of Augusta and Dover, Kentucky, on the night of the 26th ult., They crossed the Ohio river at Augusta, and succeeded in reaching the town of Ripley, in Ohio, unmolested. As soon as their absence became generally known, a party of Kentuckians, consisting mainly of owners of the negroes, started in pursuit. No difficulty was experienced in tracing the fugitives to Ripley, at which place a large amount of clothing, taken by the same runaways, was found concealed in a yard. 


   Another Stampede.

   Thirty-one slaves escaped from the neighborhood of Augusta, Ky., over the river, into Ohio, one night last week. The slaveholders followed but were mightily troubled to get warrants. The colored people of Ripley, Ohio, resisted them handsomely. The most of them will, doubtless, get clear. 


                     For the National Era. 

          C.M. CLAY AND GEO. W. JULIAN. 

   I have just witnessed one of the most interesting spectacles which a citizen of our Republic can now be called to look upon––a bridging over of the Ohio––a wiping out of Mason and Dixon's line––partial destruction of the prejudice between North and South

   I have seen, perhaps for the first time in the history of our country, the Northern politician or statesman cross on to Southern soil, and their discourse to public audiences, freely, fully, and faithfully, upon the social, moral, and political evils of American Slavery. 


               [For the True Democrat.]

                    The Stampede.

               Ripley, Brown Co., O., Oct. 4, 1852. 


                     Slave Stampede.

   Thirty-one slaves, from the neighborhood of Augusta and Dover, Ky., escaped to Ohio on Saturday night of last week. They were traced to Ripley, on the river, and were pursued by their owners and others this side. The clothes taken by the slaves were found concealed in a yard, and the owners were refused a warrant to search the house in which it was supposed most of the slaves were hid. Five who had continued on were pursued by their masters, and three captured. 

   The conduct of the public authorities of Ripley, Ohio, was said to be very reprehensible. Great indignation in consequence pervades the entire community from whence the slaves escaped. 


  Great Slave Stampede––Maysville Ky Sep 5––

Thirty-one slaves from the neighborhood of Augusta and Dover Ky., escaped to Ohio last night. They were traced to Ripley on the river, and were pursued by their owners and others from this side. The clothes taken by the slaves were found concealed in a yard and the owners were refused a warrant to search the house which it was supposed most of the slaves were hid. Five who had continued on were pursued by their masters and three captured. They are expected to be brought over to-night. 

   The negroes of Ripley assisted in numbers armed with guns, surrounded the hotel where the Kentuckians stopped. Fears are entertained of a serious disturbance, as the Kentuckians remain there on watch, and are determined to recover the slaves.

   Much indignation is felt here because the authorities of Ripley refused to assist the masters in granting warrants. 


                      NEGRO STAMPEDES.

   We see from our exchanges that several negro stampedes have recently taken place in different parts of the State. The negroes are running away in scores, assisted and urged on, doubtless, by northern abolitionists. Those lawless fanatics are bringing things to a fine condition, truly. If they continue their negro-stealing and negro-harboring business at the present rate, and their orators are permitted to canvass Kentucky and preach their incendiary doctrines to our slaves, the result will ere long be terrible. The people of Kentucky will not quietly submit to such robberies. 

             K. Yeoman. 


               HOW BREAKS THE DAY!

   There is no mistake, friends, the free of freedom form a perfect cordon of enthusiasm around the Baltimore military. Every day brings the cheering tidings of fugitives from despotism of eloquent speaking and enthusiastic gatherings, where all had been pronounced sealed and delivered to Scott Pierce. 

   We had expected great changes; we believed that conviction was fastening on the hearts of men, and that the leaders of the Baltimore stampede for slavery, would be the victims of their own policy–the more odious in proportion to their prominence. We believed that disappointment awaited all who conspired to sustain oppression, prevent free discussion, and make wrong a finality; but, friends, the work speeds more gloriously even than we had dared to hope. 


                                                         BALTIMORE, Oct. 21.

   Preparations are making to welcome Gen. Scott who is expected this P.M.

   Mr. Jas. McPherson, a well known and much esteemed merchant of this city, died to-day. 

   A stampede of 16 slaves occurred at Washington on Saturday last. 


  Great Stampede of Fugitive Slaves––Attempted Rescue and Escape––Much Excitement.

                  SANDUSKY, Ohio, Oct. 21.

   Intense excitement prevails here in consequence of the escape of a number of fugitive slaves, who arrived here last evening.  

   The slaves were from Kentucky, and on their reaching this city, they were escorted by their friends and a number of citizens to the steamer Arrow. Immediately before her departure an attempt was made to arrest them, but failed, owing to the interference of citizens of both colors. After a sharp struggle the slaves succeeded in escaping to Canada. 

   Those who were in pursuit of the slaves consider that the citizens are wholly responsible for this failure to execute the laws. 


                             The News.


       Another Stampede of Slaves.--Fifteen negroes belonging to Elias Cheney, Esq., of Funkstown, and one to Alexander Mitchell, Esq., living near Hagerstown, ranaway to Pennsylvania on Friday night last. A reward of one thousand dollars has been offered for their apprehension. 


   A BLACK STAMPEDE.––On Wednesday night of last week ten slaves from an interior county of Kentucky crossed the river below this city, and succeeded in making their escape through Hamilton county on their way to Canada. There were six men and four women. Their owners, who arrived one day too late, appeared to be gentlemanly and honorable men, and stated that the slaves had been well treated, not-overworked and having no cause of complaint except a rumor that two of their number, who were husbands, were to be sold to a Louisiana cotton planted. 

   They were rendered every assistance while in this city to enable them to recover their property.––Cin. Gaz. 


                            SANDUSKY. (Ohio.) Oct. 21st. 

      Great Stampede of Fugitive Slaves–Attempted Rescue and Escape–Much Excitement.–The most intense excitement prevails here in consequence of the escape of a number of fugitive slaves who arrived here last evening. 

   The slaves were from Kentucky, and on their reaching the city, they were escorted by their friends and a number of citizens to the steamer Arrow; immediately on the departure of which vessel, an attempt was made to arrest them, but failed, owing to the interference of citizens of both colors, who prevented the slave-catchers from taking the slaves ashore. 

   After a sharp struggle, the slaves succeeded in escaping to Canada.